Freesia and Bird in the Alley near the Gabba Gallery. Spray painted by the Artist Andrea LaHue aka Random Act in multicolor hues of yellow and green. The street art painting is on a gray background of a gate in the Gabba Gallery Alley.

These multi colored hues of pink and maroon Lotuses were painted by Andrea LaHue aka Random Act, Street Art Style, on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles California. Highlighted with gold and white spray paint, this piece was up during the first women's march in Los Angeles. And yes, it was bigger than trump's inauguration, which was an incredibly mournful day, for women and democracy everywhere.

This pink lotus by Andrea LaHue aka Random Act sits next to wrdsmth's piece in Long Beach California. A group of artists painted in recognition of the struggle for Dreamers and the GOP's racist agenda.

This street art painting, White Buffalo Calf Woman, is a prayer for nature. Conceived and created just after the first #EARTHDAYSTREET2014. A collaboration between Andrea LaHue aka Random Act and Bandit Street Art and just off of Melrose, behind the FAME Yard, this painting has lasted for years, with just a few touch ups.

Painted for Tata Harper Spa by Andrea LaHue aka Random Act, these green tropical leaves rally stand out. With a bright green background, the leaves were spray painted with multicolor hues of green and look very realistic. The painting has movement, with the top leaf, giant and coming over the top from the left, as you look at it., the bottom, filled with two other leaves, and a new leaf pops up in the right bottom corner. Contact Anne Martin at SugarPressArt.com to schedule a mural.

Random Act of Flower Mural by Andrea LaHue of orange lilies on a residential building in Reno Nevada.

Flowers and frog make up this mural for earth day, painted by artist Andrea LaHue aka Random Act. Orange calla lilies and an amazon frog. Background has words to a Joni Mitchell song a cowboy sings about water. Realistically painted, yet giant, with montana gold spray paint.

Tiger Lilies hand painted with primary colored house paint, mixed into the rainbow of colors you see here. Painted by Andrea LaHue aka Random Act, they are a spray of orange lilies growing, with buds and leaves on a dark gray background.

This electrical box is painted by Artist Andrea LaHue aka Random Act. With a blue spray painted patterned background, multicolor hues of pink with a spray painted black outline, make up this Lotus. Street Art Flowers

Painted on a giant metal gate, this giant orange and red multicolored flower resembles a lotus, was painted on a feverishly hot day by Andrea LaHue aka Random Act.

This is a multicolor pink and maroon hued painting. Created with spray paint on a dark gray brick wall, artist Andrea LaHue aka Random Act.

On an electrical box with multicolored orange and yellow hues, with baby blue patterned background by Andrea LaHue Aka Random Act, in spray paint. Street Art Flowers.

Spray painted onto an electrical box in the flower district, downtown Los Angeles, Lilies, by Andrea LaHue aka Random Act. In yellow, orange and maroon with black outlines, these street art flowers are set on a blue multicolored background

Multicolored orange red and yellow California Poppies are spray painted on this electrical box by artist Andrea LaHue aka Random Act in her Street Art Style.

Andrea LaHue aka Random act created a painting of wild lotus flowers in purple colors with pink and white, on a blue background. This painted electrical box in the flower district of Los Angeles, is in LaHues Street Art Flower Style.

On an electrical box at the corner of 7th and Spring in DTLA a Poppy by Artist Andrea LaHue aka Random Act. In maroon and orange and white.

This pink multicolored hue lotus, with "Boundless Dreamers" painted on concrete by Andrea LaHue aka Random Act

Painted alongside several other artist, this area in Long Beach California, just near the 710, not far from the coast, is dedicated to the DREAMERS that make California and the nation better. This is a contribution to the wall by artist Andrea LaHue aka Random Act. Boundless Dreamers. It's one of three giant botanicals, by the artist, in the area.

Dense, green and lush leaves, spray painted by artist Andrea LaHue aka Random Act for Tata Harper on 3rd in Los Angeles.

Random Act Murals

Random Act of Flowers

Graphic flower murals
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