Andrea LaHue

Car Hoods and Music

Here are some images of the car hood I painted last Saturday afternoon at KaaBoo Del Mar with Riteway Charity Services. If you follow the link, you will see how cars and charity combine.

It is always really fun being out with the people, and they were out to party! I was just at the main entrance and spoke to lots of fans having a super good time.

Here is a map I had a little time for, as the lower layers of spray paint on the hood. A wild Cherokee rose on a California map.

There is also a print for sale, noted on the previous post, through SugarPress, click here.

#lotus #hood #car #kaabookindness #KaaBoo #kaaboo17 #kaaboodelmar #ritwaycharityservices #print #origianl #painting #sugarpress #SugarPress #wildrose #Cherokee #Rose #Californiamap #carhood #charity